
Ethical Code

The Editorial Boards — Duties

  • The Scientific Management (Chief Editors and the Editorial Board) of the European Journal of Spatial Journal (hereafter EJSD) is solely responsible for the decision to publish the articles submitted to the Journal. The decision-making process respects the editorial policies of the magazine as well as the legal provisions in force, with particular attention to libel in the press, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.
  • The selected articles are subject to evaluation by two or more reviewers and their acceptance is subject to the execution of any clarifications/amendments and/or additions as necessary. The final decision rests with Scientific Management.
  • The Chief Editors and the Editorial Board are required to evaluate manuscripts for their scientific content without distinction or discrimination of race, sex, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, scientific, academic, or political orientation of the authors.
  • The EJSD Scientific Management uses an Open Source dashboard, based on Open Journal System (OJS) standards but customized as needed, in order to ensure the suitable management of the workflow and to evaluate, accept, accept with reservation or reject the articles submitted by the authors. The Scientific Management monitors the peer review process and guarantees the anonymity of the Reviewers. In addition to this, the Scientific Management avoids any conflict of interest, discrimination by gender, sexual or religious orientation, political beliefs, or geographical origin.
  • The Scientific Management undertakes not to share or disclose any information on the manuscripts sent except to the authors themselves or to those who have previously been authorized.
  • Unpublished material contained in manuscripts sent to the journal may not be used by any member of the various editorial bodies for their own research/publishing and/or other dissemination by print/electronic or otherwise without having obtained explicit written consent from the author.

Duties of the Reviewers

  • The Reviewers must assist in the decisions of the various EJSD committees and, use the communication flow on the OJS platform to dialogue with the author(s) and support them in the improvement of the editorial product.
  • If the Reviewers cannot comply in the indicated time they are required to promptly inform the EJSD Board.
  • Any revised text is strictly confidential and, for this reason, the content cannot be discussed with other persons without having obtained explicit authorization from the EJSD Scientific Management.
  • The review must always be carried out objectively and following scientific criteria relevant to the topic at hand.
  • The Reviewers are always required to provide adequate and clear reasons for their evaluations.
  • The Reviewers undertake to report to the Scientific Management any similarities or overlaps of the text received with other works known to them.
  • All exchanges of information and communication during the peer-review process are highly confidential and may not be used for purposes other than those covered by the review.
  • The Reviewers are also required to immediately refuse articles in which they have a conflict of interest, e.g. due to previous collaboration or competition with the author and/or their institution.

Duties of Authors

  • The Authors are required to declare the originality of their work and to have duly referenced all the sources used, avoiding any form of plagiarism. If the work and/or words of other authors have been used, these must be appropriately paraphrased or, better, literally quoted and referenced.
  • The Authors must accept the procedure for the selection of articles and, in particular, the peer review process.
  • If the article is accepted, the author recognizes the right of the EJSD magazine to publish it both in EJSD Journal[1] and Zenodo[2] (for example, as carried out for the launch of the new editorial course[3],[4]), issuing it under the Creative Commons 4.0 International license “Attribution” (CC-BY 4.0).
  • The authorship of the work must be correctly attributed, and all those who have made a significant contribution to the design, organization, drafting, and realization (reworking) of the research that is the basis of the article and/or editorial product and should be indicated as co-authors.
  • The Authors personally guarantee the accuracy of the data and graphics as well as the objectivity of their interpretations. The data must be accurately reported in detail, in order to allow others to replicate and deepen investigation.
  • The Authors are obliged to declare explicitly that there is no conflict of interest of any nature which may have affected the results achieved and/or the interpretations proposed.
  • The Authors must disclose any funding received for their research.
  • Any manuscript submitted to the EJSD journal should not have been submitted to other journals (electronic or printed).
  • In the event that an Author identifies an error within the article, they are obliged to inform the journal’s committees promptly and provide appropriate corrections.




