
What can we learn from previous attempts at Master Planning in Norwegian Rural Municipalities?



This article provides an account of Norwegian master planning in rural municipalities and discusses some of the experiences gained in relation to prevailing and future planning. Examinations of master planning in five rural municipalities conclude – contrary to criticism raised – that such planning was useful for local political practice and development and introduced a long-term strategic element into the thinking of these municipalities. The master plans seem to have balanced broad co-ordination with manageability and the need for both control and flexibility. The municipalities played a leading role in the planning work, and even if cooperation with private actors was limited the plans satisfied private interests. Further examination of these processes indicates that, given current trends, the recognition and adaptation of such experiences for future planning systems and practice would be very useful.


  • Abstract viewed - 189 times

Helge Fiskaa - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NO-7491 Trondheim

How to Cite
Fiskaa, H. (2009). What can we learn from previous attempts at Master Planning in Norwegian Rural Municipalities?. European Journal of Spatial Development, 7(1), 1–22.