
Communicative Planners as Naїve Mandarins of the Neo-liberal State?



The planning context across Europe is changing for a number of reasons. Firstly, given the increased level of competition associated with the liberalisation of markets and globalisation more generally, the continuing need for ever more productive investments are accentuated. In this context, environmental standards are often among the first casualties. Secondly, globalisation underpins the need for high-quality environments and attractive localities for consumption. Thirdly, globalisation causes the restructuring of existing urban systems, which can have a dramatic impact on individual localities.

Planning theory as pursued by the profession has therefore to submit or adjust to whatever trends are currently prevailing, or must stand up for matters that are considered essential, or is often obliged to do both.The question therefore arises, in what direction are we going, and what is the role/meaning of planning theory today?


  • Abstract viewed - 121 times

Tore Sager - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

How to Cite
Sager, T. (2005). Communicative Planners as Naїve Mandarins of the Neo-liberal State?. European Journal of Spatial Development, 3(8), 1–9.