
EU territory and policy-making: from words to deeds to promote policy integration



This paper addresses recent developments in the area of EU territorial cohesion. A first section is dedicated to the emergence of the place-based approach as a new paradigm of the EU cohesion policy, and the subsequent need for vertical, horizontal and territorial integration of policies. In a second step, progress recently made in the framework of the EU Territorial Agenda revision process towards a better understanding of, and recognition of the need for, territorial cohesion and policy integration is commented upon. Finally, a case is made for tangible steps to be taken to reform formal EU policy making, to strengthen the territorial dimension of both the overall policy approach and relevant sectoral policies.


  • Abstract viewed - 302 times

Philippe Doucet - Géphyres eurl, Roubaix

Kai Böhme - Spatial Foresight GmbH, Luxembourg

Jacek Zaucha - Maritime Institute in Gdańsk and University of Gdańsk

How to Cite
Doucet, P., Böhme, K., & Zaucha, J. (2014). EU territory and policy-making: from words to deeds to promote policy integration. European Journal of Spatial Development, 12(4), 1–24.