
The influence of location on the shaping of small-town functional structure



The aim of the work detailed here has been to assess the influence of the spatial locations of small towns on their functional structure. Relevant analysis involves 7 regions of Poland, with a total of 91 small towns representing two types of location category, i.e. within metropolitan areas or with a peripheral location. More specifically, research carried out used two means achieving functional classification, using either structural/hierarchical or morphological/functional analysis. Results emerged as confirming initial assumptions on the socio-economic functions small urban localities play as a reflection of their locations. In general, towns in metropolitan locations serve functions beyond purely local ones, and display a specialised economic structure within which residential and industrial functions prevail. In turn, the functional structure of towns in peripheral locations emerges as highly diversified, with the role in supplying local functions also proving more significant in this case. Overall, the differences between the so-called metropolitan and peripheral small towns are seen to arise more from their level in the hierarchy than from economic structure as such.


  • Abstract viewed - 254 times

Jerzy Bański - Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences

How to Cite
Bański, J. (2024). The influence of location on the shaping of small-town functional structure. European Journal of Spatial Development, 21(2), 42–62.